Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Eco Fact :Cotton

Isn't beautiful?
Most of our clothing are made out of cotton.
I mean Cotton is the fabric of our lives, right?
But have you ever think of cotton as a environmental hazard?

So ..these are some "FUN" facts for all of us :)

1. It takesa third of a pound (140 grams) of fertilizer and pesticides to produce enough cotton for a single t-shirt.
MS: It's almost the same weight as a -tshirt.

2. 7 of the most common pesticides used on cotton are either suspected or confirmed carcinogens.

3.According to estimations 450,000 children under the age of 14 work every day at Indian cotton farms in debt slavery and free of charge

4.Cotton production uses more chemicals per unit area than any other crop.

5.In regard to water, at least 925 gallons (around 3,500 litres) are required to produce a single pound of cotton; and 60% of the water used to irrigate cotton is lost to evaporation and poor irrigation practices.
MS: This may just all sound like #s but in Russia,the one of world largest fresh water lake ,Aral Sea ,is dried up due to being diverted for cotton irrgation!Sounds great right?!

6.Many of these plant protection products are highly effective neurotoxins, having been used as chemical weapons in the past.

7.Since 1998 alone in India 40.000 farmers committing suicide, trying to escape their debts encurred at biotechnology companies.

There are more facts about cotton..but I believe you guys get the point.
I'm not saying we need to stop buying clothes or anything that made out from cotton.
Becasue there is no way that would happen.

Try to limited the amount you using.
I know its hard.

The global trend of fashion is fast fashion.
Look at Forever 21 ,Wet Seal , H&M and etc.
Almost 98% are made from Cotton or Cotton Blend.

I mean Organic Cotton are very expensive compare to suicidtal cotton?(haahhaahhaa)
But extra $5 for Orgainc..?! Really?
Yes most definately!!!
Organic Cotton has no negative impact on the enviormental and with
It's for our future!!!

Now...Don't you love the clothing that you have? :P

Style: BDG Top <--100%Cotton Sinful!!!
American Eagle Shorts <---100% Cotton Sinful
Guess Aviator Sunglasses

Hey lets do some math! For this outfit,I'm carrying almost a pound of fertilizer and pesticides!Woot woot!




  1. thanks for letting me know the facts!
    where can I find clothes that are made from organic cotton???

  2. Alternative are having more eco-friendly clothing and the price aren't bad at all.But of course it won't be able to beat low quality mass produce clothing.


    If you just want plain t-shirts
    this is really cheap like wholesale price :)


    if orgaic t-shirt that are super white like regular t-shirt,
    then it's not organic!
    It has been through bleach!! It should be ivory :)

    Hope this help <3 xoxo
