Thursday, October 28, 2010

What's Freedom and Fashion?

Watch this and you tell me whats freedom and fashion!

Join us w/ this amazing fashion trade show!
November 6th at New Song Church,Irvine ,CA.



FnF: Not For Sale

Not For Sale | Shadowhands from Not For Sale Campaign on Vimeo.

Not For Sale is a Campaign of students, artists, entrepreneurs, people of faith, athletes, law enforcement officers, politicians, social workers, skilled professionals, and all justice seekers united to fight the global slave trade and end human trafficking.

The Campaign aims to recruit, educate, and mobilize an international grassroots social movement that effectively combats human trafficking and slavery through "Smart Activism". It deploys innovative solutions for every individual to re-abolish slavery -- in their own backyards and across the globe.

Not For Sale believes that everyone has a skill to contribute that can free an individual living in bondage, and together we can stop human trafficking and end slavery in our lifetime.

27 Million People are enslaved today!!!

27 MILLION! It's a huge # !!

It's sad how we don't see it.

But on Not For Sale web site has a Slavery Map that you can check out the data of how many people are enslaved in your area!

We can change the world! Just believe in yourself!

Be apart of it!



Be Apart of it!

20 Century all is about US!

We have to be united and be an activist and spread the words!!!

FnF: MIM Made in Mongolia

made in mongolia handcrafted felt slippers
mongolian wool slippers to buy

Made in Mongolia
Made in Mongolia, mim©, is a new range of handcrafted felt products. Working in partnership with the ASRAL NGO,mim© is a fair trade and not-profit initiative that allows Mongolians to use local resources sustainably to improve their livelihoods while maintaining traditional skills. mim© aims to provide greater self sufficiency to mongolian women and their communities.

Irish Government Assist MIM©

In 2008, the Irish Government through Irish Aid, gave a grant of €192,000 towards the purchase and equiping of a building to house the MIM Project in Mongolia. This was supported by a donation from His Holiness the Dalai Lama
of $100,000. The building, in the centre of Ulaanbattar, houses the felting, washing, dyeing and drying facilities, as well as a staff kitchen and canteen, office and shop. There are training facilities for Asral sewing project. The new facility will enable MIM to eventually double it's capacity to provide employment.

Mongolia, a landlocked country located between China and Russia, is a nation trying to find its roots. Since the break up of the Soviet Union following 70 years of communism, this traditionally Buddhist country has experienced a difficult transition to democracy. There has been a sharp increase in poverty. Many families have relocated to the capital, Ulaanbaatar, in huge shanty areas. Unskilled, many are unable to find work; living conditions are cramped and unhygienic.

With typical winter temperatures dropping to below -30°C, lack of warm clothes, food, and means of heating and insulating dwellings become life threatening issues. Some 44% of the population living in gers – the Mongolian for yurt – are estimated to live on less than 20$ per month, with very limited access to safe water, sanitation and basic infrastructure services. Poor health, malnutrition, homelessness amongst adults and children, alcoholism and domestic violence are major problems caused by severe poverty. Many households are headed by women who are the poorest sector of the society. They struggle continuously to provide for their families, and prevent their children ending up on the streets or at the orphanage.

Asral NGO
was started to support families and children. The NGO’s main aim is continually to keep families together to stop the children from becoming street children and ensure they get an education. This is done by training people in skills and finding self-sustaining work for women, supporting children in their education, and direct assistance and outreach in the areas of health, food security, housing & heating, and clothing.

Made in Mongolia, mim©, is an important part of this, with all profits from the initiative going to support the women involved in mim© and the wider community through Asral NGO’s social welfare activities.

Made in Mongolia's work focuses on two areas: the ger district of Ulaanbaatar, the capital city and Ondershil, a remote settlement in the Gobi. In both cases there is little or no work either due to lack of skills or lack of employment opportunities. mim works to help empower mostly women, the poorest sector of society, providing them with an easily accessible and sustainable source of income.

Mongolian women – and occasionally men – learn traditional felt-making as well as sewing and embroidery, and spinning and knitting techniques. This provides them with both invaluable skills and an immediate income from the products they produce. Many of the women are heads of households, the income they generate through handicrafts is essential in helping to sustain their families.

Over 220 women have now been trained on the handicraft projects in Ulaanbaatar and Ondershil. Several of the women involved have mental illnesses; handicrafts are an occupation they both enjoy and their families have said they have found therapeutic.

There are so many people in this world needed help.

Sadly,our country encourages individuality and capitalism.

I love fashion but I don't like the other-side that ignores environmental issues ,humanity and ethical practices.

I wish I could change the world just like..

but I can't do it w/o you all !

Please spread the words!

Come join us at Freedom and Fashion show on November the 6th,2010!

See it yourself! Start from the beginning with me :)

More info please check :



The Story of Stuff

I know its long but!!!!!!!
It's super important and makes you rethink of "cheap" crap that you buy!
I'm not a saint.I bought some $1 stuff and thought- OMG!It's only a dollar who cares! I'm buying it!

Now..I do think twice.
I saw this clip a year ago
and it did changed my perspective and shopping habit!

I hope you all enjoy this!!

More info :
More video :


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SIF: Students In Fashion Halloween Partyyyy

Today was our students In Fashion Halloween Partyy
Oh my..
We got 7 boxes of pizza , tons of drink and tons of fun!

We got Minnie,Mac,GhostBusters,and ZZZZZZooorro!

"Officers are Awesome! And Yes! I did include myself :P"

Then we got super exciting (Non-environmental friendly contest!)
Tissue Mummies!!

Lady Gaga check this out!

Yep that's me after! Couture Mummies by Walter and Basil and Anna :D

Students In Fashion
I love you ALL!!!
I had so much fun today !!
Style : Modern Alice
Forver 21 Lace Bow Headband: $1.99 *instore sale
Lucca Couture Dress: $4.99 *online sale
BDG Knee High Socks:$1.99 *instore sale
Vintage Yves saint Laurent Flat :$18 *ebay
Total Costume Cost :$26.97


FnF : hello rewind

Turn your old t-shirt into a custom laptop sleeve +
Support new life for sex trafficking survivors

Every day in the United States,
over 16,000 tons of clothing and textiles are thrown away +
over 100,000 women are being sex trafficked

What your laptop wears can make a difference.

Recycle your beloved materials back into everyday life.
Once upon a time, your favorite t-shirt was your statement to the world -- a show of school pride, a taste for graphic design, a photo of your favorite singer's mug shot. These days, it probably sits unworn in the back of the closet. Here's your chance to transform your old, favorite t-shirt into wearable duds for your laptop. We cut out the design and material from your t-shirt, sew it up with batting, felt and velcro, and voila a brand new laptop sleeve!

Give once-broken women a chance to start lives anew.
Hello Rewind is passionate about fighting sex trafficking. We work with foreign sex trafficking survivors in the United States by providing them with employment, language skills, and vocational training. By purchasing a Hello Rewind laptop sleeve, you're giving trafficking survivors financial opportunity.

For More info
Please check

Don't we always have one cloth in the wardrobe that is still cute
but we never have the mood to wear it? But it's too cute to throw it away?

Here we goooooo :)

I think its really creative for a great casue.
I might start saving money for this :)
It would just be one of the kind!

Who doesn't want to be unique!?
Come on :P

Come to Freedom and Fashion and discover it yourself !!!
November 6th!!!


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

FnF: Falling Whistles


Falling Whistles gives a small window into our world’s largest war. Originally just a journal written about boys sent to the frontlines of war armed with only a whistle, readers forwarded it with the same kind of urgency in which it was written and demanded to know –
what can we do?
The Falling Whistles campaign launched with a simple response – make their weapon your voice and be a whistleblower for peace in Congo. Read the story and buy the whistle. Proceeds go to rehabilitate and advocate for war-affected children. Share their story and speak up for them.
Together, we’ll become the voice of a growing coalition for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


This non-profit orgainzation will be at Freedom and Fashion Show on November the 6th!

Please come support us!

We need your awarness and love <3>

Limited Edition Gold

This summer, GIVE GOLD, and be a whistleblower for peace.
(Ok, so maybe it's brass, but to the child it gives a life to, this will mean far more than gold.)
The Whistle comes with the original Falling Whistles journal.
(The gold whistle is shipped, hanging on a brown suede necklace.)

The Original
The Whistle comes with the original Falling Whistles journal.

If you can't attend to our amazing Freedom and Fashion Trade Show

Please check out Falling Whistles at for more information!



Eco Fact :Cotton

Isn't beautiful?
Most of our clothing are made out of cotton.
I mean Cotton is the fabric of our lives, right?
But have you ever think of cotton as a environmental hazard?

So ..these are some "FUN" facts for all of us :)

1. It takesa third of a pound (140 grams) of fertilizer and pesticides to produce enough cotton for a single t-shirt.
MS: It's almost the same weight as a -tshirt.

2. 7 of the most common pesticides used on cotton are either suspected or confirmed carcinogens.

3.According to estimations 450,000 children under the age of 14 work every day at Indian cotton farms in debt slavery and free of charge

4.Cotton production uses more chemicals per unit area than any other crop.

5.In regard to water, at least 925 gallons (around 3,500 litres) are required to produce a single pound of cotton; and 60% of the water used to irrigate cotton is lost to evaporation and poor irrigation practices.
MS: This may just all sound like #s but in Russia,the one of world largest fresh water lake ,Aral Sea ,is dried up due to being diverted for cotton irrgation!Sounds great right?!

6.Many of these plant protection products are highly effective neurotoxins, having been used as chemical weapons in the past.

7.Since 1998 alone in India 40.000 farmers committing suicide, trying to escape their debts encurred at biotechnology companies.

There are more facts about cotton..but I believe you guys get the point.
I'm not saying we need to stop buying clothes or anything that made out from cotton.
Becasue there is no way that would happen.

Try to limited the amount you using.
I know its hard.

The global trend of fashion is fast fashion.
Look at Forever 21 ,Wet Seal , H&M and etc.
Almost 98% are made from Cotton or Cotton Blend.

I mean Organic Cotton are very expensive compare to suicidtal cotton?(haahhaahhaa)
But extra $5 for Orgainc..?! Really?
Yes most definately!!!
Organic Cotton has no negative impact on the enviormental and with
It's for our future!!!

Now...Don't you love the clothing that you have? :P

Style: BDG Top <--100%Cotton Sinful!!!
American Eagle Shorts <---100% Cotton Sinful
Guess Aviator Sunglasses

Hey lets do some math! For this outfit,I'm carrying almost a pound of fertilizer and pesticides!Woot woot!



Monday, October 25, 2010

Freedom and Fashion

We are Freedom and Fashion, a multi-ethnic creative arts organization that promotes the continuation of fair-trade and the elimination of human trafficking. Come out to our show Saturday, November 6th 2010. Purchase tickets at
I love contributing to something that's greater than life.
There are more than 10 companies that we are working with.
I will talk about each organization and company further more in other post!

P.S I got so much hw to do but I can't stop thinking about freedom and fashion!! Only 2 weeks left :P
Style : Alexander Mcqueen Scarves
Christian Dior Top
Marc by Marc Jacobs Watch


I have been thinking creating this blog for the longest time.
I always wanted to share what I learned and educated others ..
Not that I'm smart or anything.
But sometimes when you find out the most random intriguing facts,you just want to share to the whole world and wondering why didn't I know that before?!


Here comes Michelle :D

I'm new to blogging and spreading my crazy knowledge and random things to everyone! :P

Please forgive my crazy grammar!!!
